Learn why it’s healthy to pucker up 
Learn why it’s healthy to pucker up
There’s real science behind the smooch.
Can a clear mind lead to a clean diet? 
Can a clear mind lead to a clean diet?
Following a diet plan can be tricky and frustrating, but this may be the trick to staying on track.
How to make your resolution stick this year 
How to make your resolution stick this year
Will this be the year?
Is a hernia an emergency? 
Is a hernia an emergency?
Lifting heavy objects, coughing and sneezing may cause this health concern.
Tips for a smooth return to school after a long break 
Tips for a smooth return to school after a long break
Some children and teens may find going back to school anxiety-inducing.
Is it heartburn or Barrett’s esophagus syndrome? 
Is it heartburn or Barrett’s esophagus syndrome?
Learn whether it is correlated with a precancerous condition if left untreated.
What is your child dreaming about? 
What is your child dreaming about?
You can help your child process positive and negative dreams.