Can genes predict a happy marriage? 
Can genes predict a happy marriage?
A new study says your emotions can play a big role in the long-term health of your marriage.
Smokers to benefit from government decision  Featured
Smokers to benefit from government decision
Current or former smokers worried about lung cancer may soon have easier access to a low-dose CT scan for screening.
What’s really inside a chicken nugget? 
What’s really inside a chicken nugget?
Though tasty and affordable, this fast food staple may be a hazard to your health.
Why triathletes are stronger than you 
Why triathletes are stronger than you
Experts uncover the science behind how triathletes may have a stronger tolerance for pain than the average person.
Paying cash for lunch may save kids calories 
Paying cash for lunch may save kids calories
Using debit-card-only systems for school lunches may encourage students to choose high-calorie, less healthy food options.
New one-day treatment for breast cancer  Featured
New one-day treatment for breast cancer
A new clinical protocol gives patients in early stages of breast cancer faster healing options.
Debunking the ‘carbo-loading’ myth 
Debunking the ‘carbo-loading’ myth
Don’t overlook the importance of the right nutrition as you train for a marathon. Here’s what every marathoner should know.