Protein shakes for moms in labor? 
Protein shakes for moms in labor?
Guidelines regarding what a mother can eat and drink during childbirth should be reconsidered, researchers say.
Gunshots leading cause of death among kids 
Gunshots leading cause of death among kids
Experts say gunshots cause the most severe injuries and fatalities among minors.
Big benefits for bilingual baby boomers  Featured
Big benefits for bilingual baby boomers
Speaking more than one language may help delay symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease.
An Iron Woman Spirit 
An Iron Woman Spirit
Meet Dr. Rhonda. She discovered breast cancer through a self-exam and used her active lifestyle to cope with her diagnosis and celebrate survivorship.
Are whites at higher risk of irregular heartbeats? 
Are whites at higher risk of irregular heartbeats?
A new study shows that a European Ancestry gene may be linked to atrial fibrillation.
Regular bedtime may improve kids’ behavior 
Regular bedtime may improve kids’ behavior
Researchers believe that the time your child gets to sleep may actually affect their mood. Find out why.
Hidden dangers of herbal supplements 
Hidden dangers of herbal supplements
New research finds most herbal supplements include ingredients not listed on the label. And these unlisted additives can be bad for your health.