How mommies’ weight influences kids 
How mommies’ weight influences kids
Experts say that moms who gain excessive weight during pregnancy may increase the risk of their child becoming obese.
Boosting brain power as you age 
Boosting brain power as you age
Find out what experts say you can do to keep your mind sharp as you grow older.
Best way to beat melanoma  Featured
Best way to beat melanoma
One woman learns that early detection is the key to surviving a deadly form of cancer.
The aftermath of cancer 
The aftermath of cancer
Cancer treatment is a life-changing journey that, despite remissions and possible cures, experts say is life-long for many.
Fries or fruit with your value meal? 
Fries or fruit with your value meal?
Popular fast food restaurants make big plans to offer healthier side options to help fight obesity.
10 signs of an eating disorder 
10 signs of an eating disorder
Learn what things to look for and what you can do to help.
First pre-operative breast cancer drug approved 
First pre-operative breast cancer drug approved
The FDA approves a new medication that will give women in the early stages of breast cancer another choice before surgery.