Sleep aid use spikes with age and stress 
Sleep aid use spikes with age and stress
A new CDC report finds that older adults tend to be heavy users of sleep aids. Find out why.
Are you misusing melatonin? 
Are you misusing melatonin?
Although melatonin can be a helpful sleep aid, if it’s not taken appropriately it can cause additional problems.
Regular exercise can keep seniors from falling 
Regular exercise can keep seniors from falling
Researchers say that improving balance and strength can help older people keep their muscles strong and prevent falls.
How to pass a kidney stone  Featured
How to pass a kidney stone
The process isn’t easy or pain free, so the best offense may be a good defense.
Focus on more than just weight loss in kids 
Focus on more than just weight loss in kids
A recent study shows that lifestyle changes can make just as much of an impact on a child’s health by lowering risk factors for other diseases.
Women opting for surgery when they hear ‘cancer’ 
Women opting for surgery when they hear ‘cancer’
The term “cancer” can strike fear in patients, but could the word itself affect a patient’s chosen course of treatment?
Should 21 be the legal age to buy cigarettes? 
Should 21 be the legal age to buy cigarettes?
A proposal to raise the age for the purchase of tobacco products is lighting up conversations across the nation.