Cheerleaders with concussions may downplay their injuries 
Cheerleaders with concussions may downplay their injuries
New research says teen cheerleaders with head injuries should undergo specialized testing rather than just self-report their symptoms.
Flip-flop warning: These shoes aren’t made for walking  Featured
Flip-flop warning: These shoes aren’t made for walking
Summertime means sandals and flip-flops, but experts say wearing flimsy footwear can wreak havoc on your feet.
Are vitamin supplements really necessary? 
Are vitamin supplements really necessary?
Vitamin water, vitamin chews, vitamin supplements–Does your body really need extra vitamins or can you go without?
Heart disease won’t define me 
Heart disease won’t define me
After surviving a heart attack, 33-year-old, Dan Cavanaugh, is living life to the fullest and training for the Chicago Marathon to boot.
Tide turning in the fight against childhood obesity? 
Tide turning in the fight against childhood obesity?
A new report shows a decline in obesity rates among low-income preschoolers in 19 states. Could this be a trend?
Why pregnancy due dates can be way off 
Why pregnancy due dates can be way off
A new study highlights the difficulty in determining exactly when your bundle of joy will arrive. Learn why.
More proof automated external defibrillators save lives 
More proof automated external defibrillators save lives
New research says it’s critical for non-traditional exercise facilities to have automated external defibrillators on hand.