Facebook: Hobby, habit or addiction?  Featured
Facebook: Hobby, habit or addiction?
People say they’re “giving up” Facebook for all sorts of reasons: Maybe it’s after a bad break-up or during Lent. Maybe they are just plain tired of the drama. A leading psychiatrist lays it on the line about how Facebook truly can be an obsession.
What’s in your breakfast on the go? 
What’s in your breakfast on the go?
Experts say there’s a lot to be gained from planning your breakfast, and it’s not extra pounds. Find out just how many calories and how much salt are inside some of America’s favorite breakfast fast foods. And learn some of your best breakfast options.
More Americans ditching their ink 
More Americans ditching their ink
You thought it was cool at the time, but more and more Americans are getting rid of their tattoos. Find out why.
Clearing up myths about teenage acne  Featured
Clearing up myths about teenage acne
Teenagers live in fear of puberty, which can mean breakouts and acne. A top dermatologist dispels 3 myths about what really causes acne and how to treat it.
More parents popping pills to cope with parenthood 
More parents popping pills to cope with parenthood
A recent article in Parenting magazine sheds light on the record number of parents who are taking anti-anxiety medication and anti-depressants to deal with the everyday pressures of parenthood.
Child development not hindered by same-sex parents, policy says 
Child development not hindered by same-sex parents, policy says
Pediatrician group advocates for same-sex couples to have full adoption and foster care rights.
Spiritual journey of a hospice chaplain 
Spiritual journey of a hospice chaplain
Advocate Health Care Hospice chaplain, Saul Ebema, reflects on his role—helping provide spiritual guidance and support to patients facing end of life.