How four-legged friends can help stroke survivors 
How four-legged friends can help stroke survivors
Dogs provide more than just companionship.
Why you should incorporate mindful movement before bed 
Why you should incorporate mindful movement before bed
Adding this to your bedtime routine may help you fall asleep quicker.
A surgical option for a herniated disc 
A surgical option for a herniated disc
You can experience a dramatic improvement in just six weeks.
Surprising home remedies for heel pain 
Surprising home remedies for heel pain
A tennis ball may help reduce your pain.
Can screen time affect brain development? 
Can screen time affect brain development?
It may alter an infant’s brain activity.
Breast cancer patient receives a pink carpet treatment at the ballpark 
Breast cancer patient receives a pink carpet treatment at the ballpark
Krista Parker threw out the first pitch during the Aurora-Brewers Pink Out game on Mother’s Day.
How to fix picky eating 
How to fix picky eating
It’s a common concern among parents. Here’s what you should know.