“La mayor visibilidad para la población LGBTQ+ es fundamental, no solo en el Mes del Orgullo, sino durante todo el año.” 
“La mayor visibilidad para la población LGBTQ+ es fundamental, no solo en el Mes del Orgullo, sino durante todo el año.”
Como proveedor médico gay, Andrew quiere que todos se sientan cómodos siendo exactamente quienes son en todos los ámbitos de la vida y con ellos mismos.
3 things that increase your stroke risk  Featured
3 things that increase your stroke risk
Simple life changes can make a big difference in decreasing your stroke risk.
Life after stroke: Survivors supporting survivors 
Life after stroke: Survivors supporting survivors
Learn how stroke survivors can combat an increased risk for depression.
‘It doesn’t hurt to have the knowledge’ 
‘It doesn’t hurt to have the knowledge’
What I would tell other parents after my daughter’s stroke.
Providing access to an otherwise limited screening impacting the LGBTQ+ community 
Providing access to an otherwise limited screening impacting the LGBTQ+ community
An estimated 9,440 cases will be diagnosed in the United States this year.
How can you protect your children and teens from guns? 
How can you protect your children and teens from guns?
Find out what a pediatric critical care physician recommends you do to protect your child.
Is an at-home colorectal cancer screening right for you? 
Is an at-home colorectal cancer screening right for you?
A doctor can help you decide.