Premature births tied to increase risk of heart disease 
Premature births tied to increase risk of heart disease
Moms who deliver before 37 weeks may be more likely to have cardiovascular issues.
Infographic: 5K running tips  Featured
Infographic: 5K running tips
If you are a new runner, here are some tips on getting started.
6 ways to boost children’s calcium 
6 ways to boost children’s calcium
Our dietitian provides tips on sneaking more calcium into a child’s diet.
Why women should embrace their java 
Why women should embrace their java
Your cup of coffee may help prevent a deadly disease.
How blueberries help to lower blood pressure 
How blueberries help to lower blood pressure
This small fruit can reap health benefits for postmenopausal women.
Tips for a heart-healthy Valentine’s Day gift  Featured
Tips for a heart-healthy Valentine’s Day gift
Find out how chocolate can keep your heart ticking.
Don’t send your Valentine to the ER  Featured
Don’t send your Valentine to the ER
Learn what gifts might cause an allergic reaction.