Family treasures lifelong bonds formed in NICU

On September 9, 2022, Sheboygan County resident Megan and Justin Illig’s first child was born five weeks early at Aurora Medical Center – Sheboygan County. The birth of their son Mason went well, but soon after he was admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) for breathing support, treatment for jaundice, and extra support with eating and gaining weight.
There can be many emotions that come with having your first child. Add on your child needing some additional care in the NICU. Even so, Megan and Justin were confident that Mason was where he needed to be and that he was in the best hands in the NICU.
“All of the doctors and nurses were incredibly warm, welcoming, and personable but also knowledgeable and professional,” Megan says. “Each day we were welcomed with smiles and adorable personalized decorations on Mason’s door.”
During Mason’s stay in the NICU, the team taught Mason’s family things to know as new parents, including how to change his diaper, take his temperature, and feed and bathe him. Mason was discharged after eight days in the NICU. The Illigs treasure the close relationships they built with Mason’s care team.
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Nurse at Aurora Sheboygan County Megan Ward says, “It’s so rewarding to see patients doing well and succeeding.” She says a very special bond is formed between the care team, patients and their families while in the NICU.
Mason’s mom reflects, “Our friends and family would say, ‘It must be so hard to have your baby in the NICU,’ but for us, the hardest part was leaving the NICU. We truly miss all of the wonderful people who ensured our son had such a strong and positive start.”
Now, at almost two years old, Mason and his family are doing well and are still so grateful for the care they received. To keep in touch with the team and show their continued appreciation, they send the NICU team holiday cards so they can see how well Mason and his family are doing and make sure they are part of him growing up.
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About the Author
Hannah Koerner is a Public Affairs Specialist with Advocate Health Care and Aurora Health Care. She received her Bachelor of Arts in Communication from the University of Wisconsin – Green Bay. In her free time, she enjoys biking, snowshoeing, and cheering on Wisconsin sports teams.